A New Collection
The main objective of the Research on the Present Truth series is to thoroughly explore the thematic lines that emerge from the broad concept that Adventists call present truth. Known also as the milestones or pillars of our faith, the themes of the sanctuary, the conditional immortality of the soul, the second coming, the message of the three angels, the Law of God, and the Sabbath, the concept of present truth is not closed off from everything said. On the contrary, it opens the truth, in all its strength and breadth, coming from heaven for this time of the end by the fulfillment of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, which focus on the final work of Jesus Christ as our Savior and Supreme Priest in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary to free us from sin and make us suitable citizens for the kingdom of heaven. The Research on the Present Truth series seeks to significantly contribute to better study and understanding of the essential truths of salvation and to counteract the powerful deceptions that the church must face today.
P. Gerard Damsteegt was born in the Netherlands and grew up in a family deeply affected by World War II. His father, involved in the National Railway Strike against German forces, went underground, and the family faced hardships during the severe famine. After the war, Gerard's father became Rotterdam's social services vice president. Despite familial losses, Gerard pursued aeronautical engineering and was later drafted into the Dutch Air Force. A pivotal moment occurred when he challenged views on Sunday observance during a panel discussion, leading to a deep study of Christianity. This transformed his life, inspiring him to become a missionary. He obtained various degrees and became prominent in Seventh-day Adventist circles, contributing significantly to Adventist doctrine and education. He and his wife, Laurel Nelson, served as missionaries in Thailand and Korea. Gerard teaches in the Church History Department at Andrews University.

Discover the transformative power of the Gospel with books dedicated to enlightening minds and fostering victorious Christian living in preparation for Christ's return.
Victorious Christian Life Series
The Victorious Christian Life Series is a unique series of books that have been carefully selected because of their profound significance and inspired testimony regarding how we are saved. The reader will be profoundly blessed by prayerfully reading these valid, balanced, and biblical teaching-filled books about justification by faith, sanctification, and victory over sin, so needed for individual salvation and for those who are alive at the close of probation.
Pastor Thomas A. Davis served as a missionary in India and the Philippines for many years with his wife, Margaret Davis. He was also the associate book editor of the Review and Herald Publishing Association, assistant editor of the Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary, and associate editor of the Review. He authored various books and wrote many articles tor Adventist publications.
How to Be a Victorious Christian
In the pages of How to Be a Victorious Christian, Pastor Thomas A. Davis invites you on a transformative journey to discover the untapped power of the Gospel and its profound ability to bring victory to every facet of your life. Far more than a guide to religious practices, this book is a roadmap for becoming a victorious Christian in a sinful world following Jesus’ example.
Jesus Our Saviour from Sin
Jesus Our Savior from Sin is a compelling compilation of Bible verses and insights from Ellen G. White, skillfully organized to profoundly impact readers and enhance their spiritual journey. This jewel of Christological portrays Jesus in the fullness of His character, highlighting His exemplary life, sacrificial work, and role as a heavenly high priest. The book emphasizes the biblical truth that Jesus came to save people from their sins, not in their sins. It serves as a wake-up call for those relying on a false gospel, stressing that clinging to sin hinders entry to heaven. With a call to prayerful reflection, this work nourishes the soul, strengthening the faith of those seeking a deeper understanding of the Savior, portraying Jesus as a God of love and justice who provides redemption and empowerment to overcome sin's pitfalls and prepare for the heavenly kingdom.
Roy E. Gane, Ph.D., Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Languages, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University.
“Jesus came to "save his people from their sins" (Matt. 1:21), not in their sins. Most Christians do not realize the full significance of these profound words for their lives. They cherish the whimsical popular feel-good notion that if they are basically "nice" and do good things (except when those are not convenient), God's amazing grace will overlook the destructive sins (selfishnesses) to which they cling and He will take them to heaven, where He will override their freewill and make them eternally righteous. This deadly false "gospel" is spiritual anesthesia that deadens sensitivity to the call of God's word and its invitation to choose a new life of pure, unselfish love by total surrender to His grace through Christ's sacrifice and the transforming power of His Spirit.
Margaret Davis's remarkable compilation bypasses human theories about salvation by clearly demonstrating from the Bible and commentary on it in the writings of Ellen G. White that God means what He says when He promises to save us from our sins. Jesus has shown us how to do this by completely, not partially, cooperating with Him. Jesus was inherently divine and took on human nature, but God promises that we can overcome evil as He did by becoming "partakers of the divine nature" (2 Pet. 1:4). Carefully and prayerfully read this compilation and let its profound and accurate wisdom change your life forever.”
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