The Blessing Comes as You Move Forward!
Our Story
Hi, my name is Sandra Hernandez.
I was born and raised in a big city, Bogota, the capital of Colombia, South America. I married a wonderful Christian man, Cristobal. He was born and raised on a distant farm surrounded by rainforests and indigenous villages. We were all the opposite, but the Lord put us together and blessed us with two beautiful daughters, Isabel and Nathalie.
Although I got a very coveted job at the Miami Capital Hall after graduating from Computer Information System Technology at the Miami-Dade Community College, I decided to leave everything behind and trust God and follow His lead in returning to Colombia to get married and live a simple life in the middle of the mountains where the family of my husband lived.
I was unprepared for this new experience but willing to obey the Lord. I came with all my belongings, about 30 heavy boxes, most full of books that were eventually taken in the back of horses, to our new home, a rustic wooden cabin. I also bought my computer, a CPU with its monitor, keyboard and mouse. It arrived well, but it was useless in a place without electricity.
God taught me essential lessons there. I learned to enjoy the simple things of life. When our second daughter was born, we went as missionaries to Bolivia, where we stayed for three and a half years. A little later, after returning to Colombia, we moved to a farm two hours away from Bucaramanga, a northern medium-sized city. We had to walk 45 minutes on a steep rural road, but it was closer compared to what we had lived before.
It was there when the Lord called us to work on translating to Spanish and publishing the great truths our Seventh-day Adventist Church has received from the Bible and amplified by the Spirit of Prophecy.
What was in our hands at that moment? Just an old computer. However, we got started, and the Lord provided more people to help and two small home printers where we could print many books. We sewed and bound the printed sheets together, making good quality books later distributed among many in Colombia and Venezuela.
The Lord opened the way for our family to come to the United States so I could be close to my mom and care for her. While I was here, the Lord talked to my heart again, reminding me about His precious call.
We are devoted to printing in English, Spanish, and other languages the undiluted Message of the Three Angels, the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus because we are convinced Jesus is coming soon and He is coming for His people. We want to help as many souls as possible to be ready for the encounter with our God.
By the grace of God, we have grown into a nonprofit organization established in North Carolina. Including our daughters, we have a very precious group of Pastors and lay people who volunteer their time to support our Ministry, taking an active part on our Board and helping us with translation, editing, and other tasks of the Ministry. We put our God-given talents to His service, and He is blessing us while we also serve in our local churches in different leadership positions.
Please keep us in your prayers as we are continually translating and printing new books filled with the timely message of God. You can be updated about our coming books by signing up for our Newsletter here.